
Payment Policy

1. Review and confirm the content of the payment contract:

Vector has a mechanism that allows customers to review, modify and confirm transaction content before using the online ordering function to submit a payment proposal. This review and confirmation mechanism has met the following conditions:
Show customers the following information:
a) Name of goods or services, quantity, and type;
b) Method and time limit for delivery or service provision;
c) Total value of the contract and details related to the payment method selected by the customer.
This information can be stored, printed on the customer's information system, and displayed later.
Show customers information on how to reply to accept the contract offer and the deadline for replying to the contract proposal through contacting to confirm by email.
Allow customers, after reviewing the above information, to choose to cancel the transaction or confirm the offer to enter into a contract through the website.


2. Information about general trading conditions
Vector has a mechanism for customers to read and express their own consent to the general trading conditions before submitting an offer to enter into a payment contract.

General trading conditions include:
Cancellation policy, method of refund, cost of return (Publicly published on the website);
Service standards, service provision process, fee schedule, and other terms relating to service provision, including conditions and limitations (if any) (Publicly published on the website );
Obligations of sellers and obligations of customers in each transaction (Publicly published on the website).
3. Information about payment methods
Vector has published all payment methods applicable to goods so that customers can understand and choose the appropriate payment method in the Payment and Shipping Policy section.
Vector has established a mechanism for customers using the online payment function to review and confirm the details of each payment transaction before making the payment.
Vector ensures the safety and security of customers' payment transactions, handles complaints and compensates for damages in case the customer's payment information via Vector website is changed, deleted, canceled, illegally copied, disclosed, moved or appropriated causing damage to customers.



1. We accept payment via domestic card or international debit/credit card (VISA, MASTER, JCB, AMEX). Our payment gateway is provided by Ngan Luong and in collaboration with Vietcombank in order to comply with all safety and security requirement for every card transaction following the Vietnam's Laws. 

Customers who pay in any method will be refunded in the same method.
Customers have paid by bank transfer, we will contact you to refund to your account number.
Customers have paid by card will be receiving the refund via card.
- Note: the account name of the recipient must be the same name as who made the payment transfer. Vector refuses to transfer the refund to an account whose account holder information is different from the account holder who made the payment for the service before.
*** Vector will not be responsible for errors in the transfer process or the transfer of wrong information. You must work directly with the bank to resolve the above error.
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